When we offer suffering to the heart it will automatically transform it.

The heart by its very nature transforms everything into love. This is a quintessential Tantra practice, as it transforms poison into nectar.

Atisha Heart Meditation

Atisha was a devotee of the goddess Tara and Tara is a goddess who was dedicated to helping alleviate suffering in the lives of human beings.

So, Atisha being a devotee of Tara was always looking for methods and ways and means how to alleviate suffering and he discovered that the heart is always transforming anything it comes in contact with into love and compassion.

So, when we offer suffering to the heart it will automatically transform it.

Free Lesson

We are offering you a free lesson from the Goddess Unveiled Online Course.

The full course takes you on a very profound journey. This free lesson will give you a small taste of that journey.

In this video lessons you will have a unique opportunity to witness and to participate in a guided meditation, which Ma Ananda Sarita describes as the quintessential Tantra method. We’re sure you’ll also appreciate the outstanding visual quality of the video footage.

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