This is a space to enjoy the luxury of having time on your hands, to meditate, to discover the joy of Tantra with your intimate beloved or with yourself.

Transforming biological functions into divine blessings.
My promise to you is, if you participate in this course wholeheartedly, you will experience a quantum leap into becoming the empowered woman you are meant to be.
This is bound to have a knock-on effect in your life as a whole.
When I am teaching, I am involved 100% in the process of teaching and offer the very best I can each and every moment.
It is my guarantee that by participating in this course you will be inspired to open up more of your potential than you may have ever dreamed was possible.
And if you are really courageous and bring your own 100% to the process, then together we can make magic happen in your life.

Ma Ananda Sarita – Tantra Master
Tantra Main Essence Online Courses
Try out single lesson.
Start Your Journey Today!
Tantra Massage Through The 7 Chakras
799€ Add to cart -
Women’s Erotic and Emotional Fulfillment
599€ Add to cart -
Master Lover
799€ Add to cart -
The Goddess Unveiled
599€ Add to cart -
Open Your Third Eye
98€ Add to cart -
Atisha’s Heart Meditation
27€ Add to cart -
Erogenous Zones Massage For Women
45€ Add to cart -
Deepening Intimacy in Relationship
45€ Add to cart
Tantra Massage Through The Seven Chakras
7 exquisite massages for aligning body-mind-spirit.
When we dive into the art of giving and receiving massage, it is such an empowering, pleasurable and beautiful journey!
I invite you to follow your bliss as you enter the sublime world of Tantra through loving touch.
Goddess Essence Online Course
This course and work was developed by Ma Ananda Sarita. It is part of Sarita’s offering to the world through Tantra Essence.
Doing this course, you are tapping into a global network of people who are linked into The Goddess Essence work.
Module I
The Goddess Unveiled, Living in Beauty and Love
This course includes vital information on feminine well-being, health and beauty.
Included are experiential exercises of dance, massage, healing and meditations for personal transformation.
We also offer you a special process for rewriting your inner beauty script, awakening your inner and outer Goddess in all of her splendor.
A space for women who would like to unleash their potential to live life more ecstatically.
Module II
Women’s Erotic and Emotional Fulfillment
Discover 5 master keys for women’s sexual awakening. Learning about the female sexual response in the genitals, throughout the body and the brain.
Understanding the role emotions play in women’s sexual flowering.
Exploring woman as the portal for both birth and death, treasures held in our womb centre connecting us to the wheel of life, and her potential as Goddess.
Discovering the role physical connection and intimacy plays in awakening woman’s orgasmic potential.
Understanding the positive and receptive nature of the chakra system and how Kundalini energy is activated in women.
Master Lover Online Course
Secrets for mystical sexual union
Become a Master Lover. Explore the Tantra World of Pleasure, Intimacy & Consciousness. Imagine feeling fully alive.
Experiencing everything with an open heart and all your senses. Immersing yourself in sensual delights and breathtaking orgasms. Feeling divine power radiating from your every cell. From unleashing your ecstatic energy to expanding your consciousness.
Open Your Third Eye Online Course
Discover the secrets, benefits and techniques for opening the Third Eye.
Learn from Tantra Master and Mystic Ma Ananda Sarita as she unveils the vast untapped potential available to you through the awakening of your Third Eye.
Atisha’s Heart Meditation
Get a taste with Atisha’s Heart Meditation lessons from The Goddess Unveiled Online Course.
You may join this profound work and taste how course works.
All lessons contain introduction, demonstration and detailed description. You have a unique opportunity to be part of a real process in its full length experiencing outstanding visual quality of filming.
In case you would like to join full course The Goddess Unveiled which includes Atisha’s Heart Meditation, you may use coupon to reduce full price of this Atisha’s Heart Meditation. Coupon is inside the course.